After going through the steps below, log in to VMock, a resume building platform, to create your resume. 

Developing Your Resume

  1. Begin by listing your experiences including jobs, volunteer positions, campus involvement, etc.
  2. Determine sections. The content of your resume will help you determine appropriate sections. Current students should lead with the Education section. The experiences in each section should appear in reverse chronological order. View the sections of our sample resumes below.
  3. Write bullet points for your experiences. Lead each bullet point with anaction verb and, if possible, end with results. For example, “Exceeded sales goals by 10 percent or more each quarter” is a stronger phrase than “Promoted merchandise to customers.” 
  4. Tailor Information. Organize your sections according to relevance to the target audience. If applying for a job, incorporate language from the job posting.
  5. Have Your Resume Critiqued. Upload your resume to VMock for 24/7 immediate feedback. You can also attend our resume walk-in hours.
  6. Upload your resume to Handshake for employers to see.

Sample Resumes and Bullet Points

Use our MS Word documents as a starting point. See tips for writing bullet points.

Resume Tips

Is your resume too short? Consider additional categories:

  • Relevant Coursework (if you have taken courses not required for your major or that otherwise set you apart). Select three or four and list by name, including the semester in which you took each course.
  • Project Work: Have you taken courses in which you worked in a team to provide a presentation or other deliverable at the end? See the Commerce and Business Administration resume sample.
  • Special Interests: This may include hobbies, sports, or other leisure activities

Is your resume too long?

  • Consider listing “Relevant Experience” and “Additional Experience” separately and write bullet points for only the Relevant Experience.
  • Headings such as “Volunteer Experience” may simply list the agencies or groups with which you’re involved, without bulleted descriptions of your work. Long lists of agencies may be broken into even columns, tabbed apart, so that six lines becomes three.
  •  Shorten your contact information by including your number, email, and/or LinkedIn URL all on one line. Separate content with tabs or | lines.
  • Narrow your margins to ½ inch. Avoid a single word using an entire line. Use “+” to indicate “more than,” as in 200+ customers.


Formatting issues? Use our MS Word template resumes.